Archives for May 2014

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Tithes and Offerings: An Act of Worship

Every Lord's Day, both in the morning and evening worship services, the liturgy calls for the giving of God's tithe and our offerings. During this time, the plates are passed amongst the congregation, gathering in the first fruits of all that God has faithfully provided His redeemed children. The generous, cheerful and sacrificial giving of God's people is one of the clear...

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Christless Christianity Unmasked

H. Richard Niebuhr, Professor at Yale from 1931-1962, described the liberal message of the Mainline American Protestant Church as "A God without wrath brought men without sin into a world without judgment through the ministrations of a Christ without a cross." (The Kingdom of God In America, 193) Sadly, the liberal mainline churches are not the only ones taking this Christ...

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The Power of Words

We have all experienced it the tremendous power of words. Indeed, all of us have been the recipients not only of encouraging words that swell our hearts with joy and strengthen resolve to press on, but also of harsh and discouraging words that momentarily cripple us, leaving us dejected and dispirited. Then there are the words that either take us by the hand and lead us t...

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