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Dear Christ Church Family, Due to the inclement weather this past week, the session has decided to revise our Lord's Day schedule at Christ Church tomorrow.We are canceling the congregational prayer meeting and Sunday school.Please take note of our revised schedule:10:30 AM Morning Worship12:00 PM Fellowship Meal4:30 PM Catechism Class5:30 PM Evening WorshipMany thanks to...

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Latest News & Updates

Announcements The Payne Family | VacationPray for Pastor Jon and his family as they take some time away for summer vacation. Please pray that they would be refreshed and encouraged in the Lord.10th Anniversary Swag -Order Now!Our highly anticipated "10th Anniversary Swag" is now available to order! Mr. Nathan Guthrie (who designed our celebratory logo) has...

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Latest News & Updates

This Lord's Day at Christ ChurchCongregational Prayer Meeting | 9:30 AMMorning Worship | 10:30 AM~New Members Class | 4:15 PMMission Team Meeting | 4:30 PMEvening Worship | 5:30 PM Announcements June Women's Fellowship Event|THISWednesday, June 28, 2023Ladies! Mark your calendars! You are warmly invited to the June Women's Fellowship, on Wednesday, June 2...

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A Wonderful Celebration

Dearest ChristChurch Family, The 10th Anniversary Celebration truly was a banner day! Together we raised an Ebenezer stone to commemorate God's grace and faithfulness to our congregation over the past decade. May this celebration be etched on our hearts and minds for years to come, ever reminding us to"Hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who p...

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Latest News & Updates

This Lord's Day at Christ ChurchCongregational Prayer Meeting | 9:30 AMMorning Worship | 10:30 AM~New Members Class | 4:15 PMMission Meeting | 4:30 PMEvening Worship | 5:30 PM Announcements Summer ScheduleIn order to give our teachers a rest, we will take a brief summer break from Sunday school, Bible studies, and Kid's Catechism.These activities will start back up on Su...

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Latest News & Updates

This Lord's Day at Christ ChurchCongregational Prayer Meeting | 9:30 AMMorning Worship | 10:30 AM10th Anniversary Fellowship Meal | (at Alhambra Hall)after morning worship~Evening Worship | 5:30 PM (at Alhambra Hall) Announcements 10th Anniversary Celebration |THIS Sunday, June 4Please come celebrate with us God...

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Latest News & Updates

This Lord's Day at Christ ChurchCongregational Prayer Meeting | 8:50 AMSunday School | 9:30 AMMorning Worship | 10:30 AM~Kids' Catechism | 4:00 PMHigh School Girl's Bible Study | 4:00 PMNew Members Class | 4:15 PMMission Team Meeting | 4:30 PMEvening Worship | 5:30 PM Announcements Young Ladies Spring Tea|TOMORROWSaturday, May 20 at 2:00 PMIt's almost time for a Tea Part...

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Christ Church 10th Anniversary Celebration

Dear Members, Former Members, and Attendees of Christ Church, You are warmly invited to celebrate with us God's abundant faithfulness on our Ten Year Anniversary. On Lord's Day, June 4th, after our morning worship service, we will gather for a catered meal and joyful fellowship at Alhambra Hall in the Old Village. In addition, there will be tenth anniversary swag, and f...

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Latest News & Updates

This Lord's Day at Christ ChurchCongregational Prayer Meeting | 8:50 AMSunday School | 9:30 AMMorning Worship | 10:30 AM~Kids' Catechism | 4:00 PMHigh School Girl's Bible Study | 4:00 PMEvening Worship | 5:30 PM Announcements Dead Theologians Society |TODAY, May 12at 4:00 PMOnce a month, a group of men are gather together in an informal men's fellowship focusing on the l...

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I-526 Extension | Update from Pastor Jon

Dearest Christ Church Family, Many of you are understandably concerned about the reports that a new extension of I-526 will be constructed on the property next door to our church building. The new off-ramp will be built to deal with the substantial (and growing) truck traffic to and from the port. Moreover, there will be alterations to Wando Park Blvd that will significan...

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