August 5, 2022
by Rachael McIntosh
News and Events
NEWChrist Church Directories!The 2022 Christ Church Photo Directories have arrived! Members of Christ Church, to get your copy of the directory,please see Rachael McIntosh anytime this Sunday (or in the next few Sundays) and she will hand you your copy directly.If you have questions, please email Rachael at Members Cl...
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July 29, 2022
by Rachael McIntosh
Dear Christ Church,
I love sunsets. (I'd probably love sunrises too, but to be honest I'm rarely up to see those.) I love the way sunsets are never the same and yet always spectacular. I love how the light stretches, changes and reflects- rising and falling in amajestic symphony of color. But you know what really delights me? How a sunset draws a crowd. There's always peo...
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July 22, 2022
by Rev. Dr. Jon D. Payne
Articles by Pastor Jon
The Apostle Paul pleaded three times with the Lord that he would be delivered from a particular "thorn in the flesh." The nature of the thorn is a mystery. Some speculate that it was diminishing eyesight. Whatever the nature of the affliction, we know that God chose not to remove it from Paul's life. God declared: "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfe...
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July 22, 2022
by Rachael McIntosh
News and Events
Hello Christ Church!
If you walked thought the doors of Christ Church this past week, you would have been transported to an entirely different realm.Vacation Bible School is upon us!"Christ Church Castle" was bustling with kiddos and helpers all week - learning about Christ our KING.VBS has been "in the works" (via lots of scribbled paper and many meetings) since around A...
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July 15, 2022
by Rachael McIntosh
News and Events
Lord's Day Schedule
Congregational Prayer Meeting| 8:50 AMSunday School for All Ages| 9:30 AMMorning Worship Service| 10:30 AMNew Member's Class| 4:15 PMKid's Catechism| 4:30 PMEvening Worship Service| 5:30 PM
AnnouncementsOfficer Ordination Installation Service |THIS SUNDAYThe Lord has blessed Christ Church byraising up...
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July 8, 2022
by Rachael McIntosh
AnnouncementsGuest Minister | Dr. John CurrieWe are delighted and grateful to welcome to our pulpit this Lord's Day theRev. Dr. John Currie, Professor and Dean of Pastoral Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. In his work for the seminary, Rev. Currie teaches courses on expository preaching, pastoral leadership in the local church, and church revita...
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June 24, 2022
by Rachael McIntosh
Hey Christ Church!
Thelatest episodeof "Between the Times" (a podcast by Christ Church for Christ Church) is out!Check out the most recent episode - #124"A New Catechism on Biblical Sexuality"- to hearPastor Jon, Pastor Michael, and Dr. Gabe Williams discuss the New Catechism on Biblical Sexuality.You can find the podcaston our website(under "resources"), onApple Podcasts...
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June 16, 2022
by Rachael McIntosh
Hey Christ Church!
I hope y'all are staying cool and enjoying your summer! Need something to listen to this summer? (You know, for road trips, work commutes, hanging out on the beach...) You should tune in tothelatest episodeof "Between the Times" (a podcast by Christ Church for Christ Church). Check out the most recent episode - #123 "2022 PCA General Assembly Musings"- ...
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June 9, 2022
by Rachael McIntosh
Announcements for June 12:
Sunday School Summer BreakOur Sunday School programs will go onSummer Break from June 5 to July 17.We will not have Sunday School June 5, and will start having Sunday School again starting July 17. Happy Summer!Christ Church Women's Fellowship Event |June 22ndat 7:00 PMThe ladies of Christ Church are warmly invited to gather for a monthly time o...
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June 3, 2022
by Rachael McIntosh
Hello Christ Church!
I hope your summer is off to a great start! I've been thinking about something thatPastor Jon said on Sunday. In expounding on the point the we should "Let not sin reign" (Romans 6:12a) he mentioned that, "When we are in Christ, sin no longerreignsin us, but it doesremainin us." For whatever the reason, this just put sanctification in a whole new ligh...
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