A Pastoral Letter at Christmas
Warm Christmas greetings, Christ Church family! We have so much to be thankful for this Advent season.
Last Lord’s Day we were reminded that the Archangel Gabriel was sent by God to deliver very good news to the virgin Mary. During his surprising visitation, the angel announced: “You will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus” (Lk 1:31). The long-awaited Messiah would soon arrive, and his divinely chosen name highlighted the purpose for which He was sent — “to save His people from their sins” (Mt. 1:21). Some might hear this announcement and think: “That’s impossible!” But the angel Gabriel tells Mary (and us!) that “nothing will be impossible with God” (Lk 1:37). The virgin SHALL conceive and bear a son! Beloved Christ Church, we have every reason to rejoice in this good news this Christmas. Moreover, we have every reason to share it with others! A Savior was born in Bethlehem, and He is Christ the Lord.
Make sure to join us as we rejoice in this gospel truth at our annual Christmas Eve service on Tuesday, December 24th at 5:30 p.m. It’s a very special service of lessons and carols. A new addition to our service this year will be the debut of the Christ Church Children’s Christmas Choir. Mrs. Kendall Durant and Mrs. Jenni Hester are doing a wonderful job directing the choir, and our pianist, Mr. Misha Pekar, is accompanying. Join us on Christmas Eve for this special time of worship!
As we celebrate the birth of our Lord and anticipate the start of a new year, I thought I would send out a pastoral letter full of warm encouragement, informative updates, and key reminders.
A Year of Growth
Spiritual and numerical growth in a church are gifts from God. The Apostle Paul states: “Neither he who plants nor waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth” (I Cor. 3:7). Christ Church Presbyterian has grown to 229 members. Many of those members are precious covenant children (Autumn Rowan just gave birth two weeks ago), and three more ladies are expecting (Hillary Dempsey, Sarah Grace Brodmann, and Lizzie Godwin). We give all glory to God for this growth. The increase in numbers has created space issues in classrooms, nurseries, and, at times, in the sanctuary (a wonderful problem to have!). The session, with the assistance of Mike Petrakis, is presently determining the future facility needs of Christ Church as we experience these growing numbers.
The new 2025 church directory will be published this week. Hopefully, it will serve to strengthen the bonds of fellowship and encourage us to pray for one another more faithfully. Colton and I prayed through the directory on Tuesday morning during our weekly meeting. We prayed specifically for each of you and your dear children. Our love for and interest in one another grows as we pray for one another. Perhaps you could commit to praying through the directory each month. By doing so, you will become more familiar with those fellow church members who sit on the other side of the sanctuary during Lord’s Day worship services.
Serving as pastor of Christ Church since its inception in 2013, I’ve witnessed significant spiritual growth in our congregation; from our covenant children, to our young adults, to our seniors, and many in between. Indeed, it’s one of my greatest joys to see you and your children “walking in the truth” (3 John 1:4). The children’s catechism class on Lord’s Day afternoons has grown by leaps and bounds. Over twenty children consistently gather to learn sound doctrine from Dr. Matt Watson. The nurseries, under the loving and nurturing direction of Mrs. Alicia Williams, continues to expand as well. Moreover, the “MUSC & Twenty-Somethings” weekly dinner and Bible Study fellowship that Marla and I host in our home averages twenty-five to thirty people. I’ve taught on various subjects such as the person and work of the Holy Spirit, the doctrine of Scripture, and preparing for godly marriage. This past week we sang Christmas hymns and spent a few minutes reflecting upon glorious themes from Advent.
The women’s ministry is vibrant with bi-weekly Bible studies led by Mrs. Amy Clark, and monthly ladies’ fellowships where an average of twenty Christ Church women gather in homes for devotion, prayer, fellowship, and occasional baby showers. These monthly ladies’ fellowships culminate in the annual Christmas celebration hosted by my dear wife Marla. The weekly men of the covenant Bible study has been well-attended, with an average of 12-15 men who gather at the church on Thursday mornings. We recently worked through David VanDrunen’s fantastic book “Living in God’s Two Kingdoms.” It was a great study leading up to the presidential elections! Kings and kingdoms of this temporal world will rise and fall, but God’s eternal kingdom will outlast them all! In addition to these Bible studies, there are a half-dozen small groups that meet monthly in homes for fellowship around God’s Word. Two new groups were formed this past year, and we expect new ones to form in 2025.
Of course, the main Day of spiritual growth and activity at Christ Church is the Lord’s Day— the Market Day of the soul! God Himself set apart the Christian Sabbath as the day of Christian discipleship and spiritual growth through the means of grace (Word, sacraments, and prayer). Therefore, those who are unyieldingly committed to Lord’s Day observance will experience consistent growth. Our normal Lord’s Day schedule includes a congregational prayer meeting, Sunday school, and morning and evening worship services. It’s the high day of the Christian’s week and shouldn’t be neglected for lesser things. My prayer for 2025 is that we will see more individuals, couples, and families earnestly committing to the weekly prayer meeting, Sunday school, and evening worship. Don’t underestimate what God will do in you and your family through faithful Lord’s Day observance. All week long the world is laboring to catechize you and your children in its corrupt and deceptive ways. Therefore, we (and our children!) need more than just an hour of spiritual instruction and encouragement. The Lord says that we need an entire Day — “Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy” (Ex. 20:8). Dear ones, you will never regret committing to a full Lord’s Day observance.
We should also be grateful to God that the giving at Christ Church has increased over the past year. Several months ago, I challenged you, the members of our congregation, to make giving to the church a priority, no matter what age or stage you’re in. I mentioned that if every member of Christ Church gave out of the first fruits of our income we would have ample resources to support the work of ministry at Christ Church and grow our support for mission around the world. You responded to that biblical call to give, and I pray that we would all be committed to this again in the new year.
You should have received a 2024 giving letter (via email) from the treasurer last week. Please look it over and make your final contributions before the end of December. As a reminder, we are also receiving contributions towards our building fund.
Hard Farewells
We have welcomed many new families, couples, and individuals into church membership in 2024. We’ve also said goodbye to many beloved members. Recently, the Petersens moved to Greenville; the Copes to Mississippi; the Smiths to Georgia; the Wans to Florida, and the Cochrans to the upstate. There are many other members who graduated from various programs of study and have moved away to begin new jobs or programs of study. Altogether we’ve said farewell to 30-40 members this year alone. In addition, the Morgans will move to Tennessee early next year. It’s hard to say goodbye to those whom we love. God’s providence can be hard. Nevertheless, we are confident that one day we will all be together again. Separation and tears will be no more.
Officer Training & New Deacon Chairman
A new group of godly men were nominated for elder or deacon at Christ Church. Next month I will begin leading a 4-5 month officer training course. Please pray for the men during this time of intense training and discernment. Christ Church has a need for new officers since Jake Earle and Ralph Charles will soon move to emeritus status, and Matt Cope and John Morgan roll off due to relocation.
We thank God for John Morgan’s faithful service this past year as chairman of the deacons. Due to the Morgan’s imminent move to East Tennessee, Mr. Russ Tomlinson will serve as the new chairman, and Mr. Jeff Gee as vice-chairman. Join me in thanking God for our wonderful deacons, and for the yeoman’s work that they carry out week after week in service of our Lord. Moreover, consider coming alongside the deacons to serve in various ways in the future. Many hands lighten the load! In addition, join me in giving thanks for our faithful elders. They take seriously their vows to shepherd the flock of God and carry out their responsibilities with humility and love (I Pet. 5:1-5).
Colton Dempsey | Pastoral Intern of Outreach and Administration
Last year Colton Dempsey became our first full-time pastoral intern. His responsibilities include outreach and follow-up with visitors, and various aspects of administration. With the loving and faithful support of his wife Hillary, he has exceeded expectations in his position at Christ Church. He is also making good progress in his theological studies at Greenville Seminary. Recently, after a rigorous season of study and examination, Colton was licensed to preach God’s Word in the Lowcountry Presbytery. Therefore, he will begin preaching at least once a month in our evening services, beginning Lord’s Day, December 22nd. Pray for Colton in his labors at Christ Church, seminary training, preparation for ministry, and leading his growing family.
Christ Church Trips | Leadership Lessons in London | Honduras Mission Trip
In approximately one month, Tom Clark (ruling elder) and I will lead a group of nine men to London, England to study the lives and leadership of Thomas Cranmer (1489-1556), John Owen (1616-1683), and Winston Churchill (1874-1965). In preparation for the trip, there has been much prerequisite reading. In England, we will visit numerous historical sights connected to the legacy of these three notable leaders (e.g., Oxford, Cambridge, Canterbury). Please pray for a safe, encouraging, and life-transforming trip.
Next summer, July 19th-26th, Christ Church is planning to send a mission team to Tegucigalpa, Honduras. We will be working with Rev. Aaron Halbert, one of the PCA missionaries that we’ve been supporting for several years. The focus will be evangelism, VBS, work projects, teaching, etc. The trip will cost $1300-$1500. If you are interested in taking part, please contact Colton Dempsey at colton@christchurchcharleston.org.
Dearest members of Christ Church, it is a profound privilege and honor to serve as your pastor. I love you dearly and thank God for you this Christmas. Your constant encouragement is wind in my sails. Please continue to pray for me as I toil and labor in God’s Word, shepherd our congregation, love my wife and family, and endeavor to humbly serve the wider church. Pray that God’s Word would produce much fruit in our congregation and that many would come to know the Lord through our witness in the new year. Pray that all of our hearts would be newly ravished by the love of God exhibited in the sending forth of His beloved Son.
Your Pastor, Servant, and Friend,
Pastor Jon
More in News and Events
January 24, 2025
A Glorious Christian HeritageDecember 31, 2024
Pastoral Letter | Happy New YearDecember 13, 2024
A Pastoral Letter at Christmas