Latest News & Updates
This Lord’s Day at Christ Church
Congregational Prayer Meeting | 8:50 AM
Sunday School | 9:30 AM
Morning Worship | 10:30 AM
Kids’ Catechism | 4:00 PM
High School Girl's Bible Study | 4:00 PM
New Members Class | 4:15 PM
Mission Team Meeting | 4:30 PM
Evening Worship | 5:30 PM
Young Ladies Spring Tea | TOMORROW Saturday, May 20 at 2:00 PM
It's almost time for a Tea Party! We are so excited to welcome our young ladies aged 5 through 12th grade for a fun event Saturday, May 20. Please arrive at Christ Church by 2 pm.
May Women’s Fellowship Event | THIS Wednesday, May 24 at 7:00 PM
Ladies! Mark your calendars! You are warmly invited to the March Women’s Fellowship, on Wednesday, May 24 at 7:00 PM, at the home of Helen Royal. The Women's Fellowship is hosted in a different home each month, and includes heavy finger foods, dessert, fellowship, a devotion, and a season of prayer. It’s a time to grow deeper in the Lord and foster friendships, old and new! RSVP and consider bringing a snack to share here.
10th Anniversary Celebration | Sunday, June 4
We invite you to celebrate with us God’s abundant faithfulness to Christ Church these past ten years. On Lord’s Day June 4th, after our celebratory morning worship service, we will gather for a catered meal and joyful fellowship at Alhambra Hall in the Old Village. In addition, there will be tenth anniversary swag, fun festivities, and treats for the kids. (Rumor has it that a bouncy castle and Pelican’s SnoBall truck will be on site!) Our dear former associate minister, Rev. Ross Hodges, will preach the evening service at Alhambra Hall. It’s just two weeks away! Mark your calendar and join us for this momentous occasion in the life of our congregation! RSVP here:
Summer Schedule
In order to give our teachers a rest, we will take a brief summer break from Sunday school, Bible studies, and Kid’s Catechism. We will not have Sunday school, bible studies or kid’s catechism on Lord’s Day, June 4th, so as to focus on the 10th anniversary celebration. These activities will start back up on Sunday, August 6th.
Kids’ Catechism | Sundays at 4:00 PM
Children ages 8–12 are welcome to join the Kids’ Catechism Class at Christ Church. We are studying the Westminster Shorter Catechism and meet on Sundays 4:00 PM at the church.
High School Girl's Bible Study | Sundays at 4:00 PM
High School Gals! We have a Bible Study held in Rachael's office at 4:00 PM on Sunday afternoons. We are starting a new study through the book of Ruth together.
MUSC & Twenty-Somethings Bible Study | Tuesdays at 6:45 PM
The weekly MUSC & twenty-somethings Bible study meets on Tuesdays at 6:45 PM at the the home of Pastor Jon and Marla. It’s a time of food, wonderful Christian fellowship, and Bible study. We are studying Just Do Something by Kevin DeYoung. Bring your Bible and a friend and join us!
Men of the Covenant Bible Study | Thursdays at 7:00 AM
Our Men of the Covenant Bible study meets Thursday mornings at 7:00 AM at the church. We are currently studying O. Palmer Robertson’s book The Israel of God: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow. Please join us for this time of growing in grace with one another!
Women's Bible Study | Wednesday, May 31
Amy Clark is leading a bi-monthly Women's Bible Study through Ephesians Wednesdays at 10:00 AM and at 7:00 PM at the church. (**Please note: Both AM and PM Bible Studies are the same. We are offering two different times for the same study.) We are using the book Let's Study Ephesians by Sinclair Ferguson to guide our talk and study. Our next meeting is Wednesday, May 31.
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