Latest News & Updates

This Lord’s Day at Christ Church
**Daylight Savings starts this Sunday! Don't forget to spring forward an hour!**

Congregational Prayer Meeting | 8:50 AM
Sunday School | 9:30 AM
Pastor Jon will be interviewing Sebastian Heck during the Adult Sunday School Class
Morning Worship | 10:30 AM
Fellowship Meal | 
after the morning service
Evening Worship | 5:30 PM



Friendship Sunday & Fellowship Meal | THIS Sunday, March 12
The purpose of friendship Sunday is to warmly invite unchurched (or de-churched) friends, family, and neighbors to Christ Church, for worship and fellowship over lunch immediately after the morning service. Who will you invite this Sunday?  Please sign up to bring a dish for the Fellowship Meal. We are still in need of a few sign ups for a main dish, a large salad, and veggies to share. All others are asked to bring a dessert. You can sign up via the link here.

Women's Bible Study | Starting Wednesday, March 22
Starting on Wednesday, March 22, Amy Clark will be leading a bi-monthly Women's Bible Study through Ephesians Wednesdays at 10:00 AM and at 7:00 PM at the church(**Please note: Both AM and PM Bible Studies are the same. We are offering two different times for the same study.) We will use the book Let's Study Ephesians by Sinclair Ferguson to guide our talk and study.  If you are interested in purchasing a book via the church, please email Rachael McIntosh (

March Women’s Fellowship Event | March 29 at 7:00 PM 
Ladies! Mark your calendars! You are warmly invited to the March Women’s Fellowship, on Wednesday, March 29 at 7:00 PM, at the home of Kendall DuRant. The Women's Fellowship is hosted in a different home each month, and includes heavy finger foods, dessert, fellowship, a devotion, and a season of prayer. It’s a time to grow deeper in the Lord and foster friendships, old and new! 

Dead Theologians Society | Friday, April 14 at 4:00 PM
Once a month, a group of men are gather together in an informal men’s fellowship focusing on the lives and writings of the great theologians of the past. The purpose of the Dead Theologians Society is to foster deeper friendships around Christian literary classics from church history. We are currently reading Bunyan’s “Pilgrim’s Progress”and the next gathering of the Dead Theologians Society will be on April 14 at 4:00 PM at Grace & Grit.

New Members Class | starting Sunday, April 23
Our New Members Class is for all those who would like to find out more information about the church and/or join us in membership. This is a great opportunity for visitors to learn more about the distinctives of Christ Church Presbyterian and to understand what it means to be a member of the church. If you are interested in joining our next class, please contact Rachael McIntosh (

Belle Hall Elementary Good News Club

Christ Church Presbyterian is supporting a Good News Club at Belle Hall Elementary weekly on Wednesdays from 2:30-4:00 PM. We praise the Lord for his faithfulness in growing the club!  Please be praying for this Good News Club and those involved. Because of the increase in attendance, we are in need of more volunteersPlease reach out to Matthew Watson (

Summerville Good News Club
Christ Church Presbyterian is supporting the Good News Club that meets at Beyond Basic Life Skills each week on Monday from 3:15 to 4:30 PM. Please be praying for this gospel ministry to adults with intellectual disabilities.  If you are interested in assisting with these special child/adults, please reach out to Helen Royal (

Spring Church Picnic | Saturday, May 13
We have reserved space at Palmetto Islands County Park [444 Needlerush Pkwy, Mount Pleasant, SC 29464] for our Spring Church Picnic! The picnic will be Saturday, May 13th from 11:00 PM to 2:00 PM. Please plan to attend this wonderful time of fun and fellowship with your church family and bring a side dish or dessert to share

Save the Date! Christ Church 10th Anniversary Celebration | Sunday, June 4
Mark your calendars and join us as we celebrate 10 years of the Lord's faithfulness here at Christ Church Presbyterian. It will be a sweet time of rejoicing!

VBS 2023 | June 20-22
Mark your calendars! Christ Church Presbyterian will host Vacation Bible School for kids ages 4-12 at the church June 20–22, 2023

Christ Church Directories

We still have lots of 2022 Christ Church Directories. If you need another copy or have lost your old one, please contact Rachael McIntosh, and she can get you a new one from the office.

Regular Bible Studies 
Kids’ Catechism | not meeting this Sunday
Children ages 8–12 are welcome to join the Kids’ Catechism Class at Christ Church. We are studying the Westminster Shorter Catechism and meet on Sundays 4:00 PM at the church.

High School Girl's Bible Study | not meeting this Sunday
High School Gals! We have a Bible Study held in Rachael's office at 4:00 PM on Sunday afternoons. We are walking through the book of James together. 

MUSC & Twenty-Somethings Bible Study | Tuesdays at 6:45 PM
The weekly MUSC & twenty-somethings Bible study meets on Tuesdays at 6:45 PM at the the home of Pastor Jon and Marla. It’s a time of food, wonderful Christian fellowship, and Bible study. Pastor Jon is currently teaching a series entitled: Worship - Reformed According to Scripture. Bring your Bible and a friend and join us!

Women's Bible Study | Starting Wednesday, March 22
Starting on Wednesday, March 22, Amy Clark will be leading a bi-monthly Women's Bible Study through Ephesians Wednesdays at 10:00 AM and at 7:00 PM at the church(**Please note: Both AM and PM Bible Studies are the same. We are offering two different times for the same study.) We will use the book Let's Study Ephesians by Sinclair Furguson to guide our talk and study.  If you are interested in purchasing a book via the church, please email Rachael McIntosh (

Men of the Covenant Breakfast | Thursdays at 7:00 AM
Our Men of the Covenant Bible study will meet Thursday morning at 7:00 AM at the church. We are currently studying the book: Knowing Christ by Mark Jones. This week we will read chapter 26, “Christ’s Names” (pgs 209-218).