Letter from Pastor Jon | Resources
Dearest Christ Church Family,
Grace and peace to you on this soggy Wednesday afternoon. The past few weeks at Christ Church have given us many reasons to rejoice. These reasons include the receiving of over thirty new members, eleven baptisms, a wonderful and well-attended vacation Bible school, numerous weekly visitors, strong giving, new friendships, and a growing zeal to commune with God and reach the lost. It’s important that we pause and express gratitude to God for His lavish blessings upon our congregation. His faithfulness reaches to the heavens. “We give thanks to you, O God; we give thanks … we recount your wondrous deeds” (Ps. 75:1).
It is true, however, that our culture is in a time of unprecedented moral and political chaos. Wicked and subversive ideologies have infiltrated our core institutions. Confusion is rife. Common sense is scant. Society is unraveling. Nevertheless, amidst the darkness, we remain a confident and rejoicing people. For our risen and exalted Lord is building His kingdom one individual, couple, and family at a time. He is saving sinners and adding them to the church. This soul-enlarging truth destroys fear and hate, and cultivates faith and love. It’s gospel truth that compels us to live as “children of light” (I Thess. 5:5).
On Sunday morning we were exhorted to “cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light” (Rom.13:12). The works of darkness are the idolatries associated with this passing evil age, and the armor of light is the righteousness that corresponds to Christ’s coming kingdom. Therefore, having been “called out of darkness into his marvelous light” (I Pet. 2:9), believers are no longer to live according to the warped values of the world or the corrupt desires of the flesh. Instead, we are to live by the light and truth of Christ’s word and kingdom; a kingdom that will be fully realized when He comes again.
Sitting consistently and attentively under the preaching and teaching of God’s Word on the Lord’s Day is fundamental to Christian discipleship. Moreover, mutual accountability among the elders and fellow church members is essential. Family worship and catechesis are also key to spiritual maturity and growth in grace. That being said, there are some helpful resources out there that I want to bring to your attention. Those of you who’ve been in Reformed circles for a long time will be quite familiar with my recommendations. However, some of you are new to the Reformed faith, and still discovering the abundance of trustworthy Christian resources that you can utilize at home, on your commute, etc. I hope this curated list of resources will provide some clear direction. In our information age, where an endless array of resources are available, it’s vital that we exercise caution and care in what we take in. Here are a few recommendations by category:
Reformation Heritage Books
Banner of Truth
Reformation Trust
Christian Focus
Presbyterian & Reformed (P&R)
Between the Times [Hosted by myself and Gabriel Williams]
Mortification of Spin [Hosted by Carl Trueman and Todd Pruitt]
The Briefing [Hosted by Albert Mohler]
Thinking in Public [Hosted by Albert Mohler]
Abounding Grace Radio [Hosted by Christopher Gordon]
Things Unseen [Hosted by Sinclair Ferguson]
Five Minutes in Church History [Hosted by Stephen Nichols]
Renewing Your Mind [Ligonier Ministries]
Today in Perspective [Hosted by the late Harry Reeder]
Daily Devotionals and Websites
TableTalk Magazine [Daily devotional / physical copy and website]
Be Thou My Vision [Daily devotional by Johnny Gibson]
The Valley of Vision [Collection of Puritan Prayers]
Voices from the Past [Two volume daily puritan devotional]
Clearly Reformed [Website and blog of Kevin DeYoung]
Gospel Reformation Network [PCA-focused]
World Magazine [Physical copy and website]
Dear ones, in these resources you will discover a treasure trove of spiritual encouragement. Of course, my list is far from exhaustive. But it’s a list that I can recommend without reservation. I hope that you and your family will benefit greatly from it. Always feel free to reach out to me or one of the elders with any questions concerning resources for spiritual growth.
It is an honor and a privilege to serve as your pastor. I love you and your families very much. Your constant encouragement and steadfast prayers are the wind in my sails. I joyfully anticipate all of us being together again this Lord’s Day. Join us for the prayer meeting at 9:30 a.m. If ever there was a time for us to pray, it is now.
Your Pastor, Servant, and Friend,
Pastor Jon
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