Pastoral Letter | Happy New Year


Dear Christ Church Family,

The passage of time is strange and mysterious. In some respects it is slow. A year can seem like a long time, and twenty years can seem like an eternity; especially to a young person. However, time also seems to pass quickly. This is especially true as one gets older. Years and decades begin to run together. The quick passing of time was highlighted for me recently in a painting of a small girl gazing into a mirror with her elderly self staring back at her. It all goes so fast.

Moses reminds us in Psalm 90 that God is not subject to time — “For a thousand years in your sight are but as yesterday when it is past, or as a watch in the night” (v. 4). He is infinite, eternal, and almighty. Fallen humanity, however, is finite and weak. We are like grass that “flourishes and is renewed; in the evening it fades and withers” (v.6). Indeed, the “years of our life are seventy, or even by reason of strength eighty; yet their span is but toil and trouble; they are soon gone, and we fly away” (v.10).

Dear ones, these words are not intended to foster despair and hopelessness. On the contrary, they are meant to encourage us to trust God, abide in his steadfast love, and live out all our days in godly wisdom. Moses’ prayer is meant to be our prayer— “So teach us to number our days, that we may get a heart of wisdom … satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days” (v. 12, 14). Let’s incorporate these verses into our prayers in the month of January, giving thanks to God for His faithfulness, mercy, and love.

Christ Church Officer Training

God has blessed Christ Church with godly and faithful elders and deacons. They labor joyfully and continually in the service of our Lord and His church. After recent officer nominations by the congregation, the elders approved six men who accepted the nomination and are willing to go through the training. Those who are being considered for deacon are Charles Gee, Max Kendall, William Broadman, Matt Pepin, and Nathan Guthrie. John DuRant is being considered for elder. Please be in prayer for these men as they prayerfully go through the training beginning in mid-January.

Congregational Meeting | February 9

The session is calling the members of Christ Church to attend a congregational meeting on Lord’s Day, February 9th, after the morning service. God has blessed Christ Church with wonderful spiritual and numerical growth. As a result, new needs have emerged. The purpose of the informational meeting is to communicate strategy and plans for future facility needs. In addition, there will be information provided on the Christ Church security team.

Christmas Gratitude

Christmas at Christ Church is an absolute joy! Many thanks to all of you who helped to make it special this year. I especially want to express gratitude to a few of our ladies. Many thanks to my precious wife for hosting yet another spectacular Christ Church Ladies Christmas Fellowship. Well over thirty were in attendance! PTL. I hear from many that it’s the highlight of their Christmas season. A new addition to our Christmas blessings this year was the Christ Church Children’s Christmas Choir (CCCCC!). Many thanks to Jenni Hester and Kendall DuRant for doing such a great job organizing, preparing, and leading the choir over these last few months. The kids sang beautifully. Gospel truth from the mouths of children is powerful! Finally, many thanks to the Ramos’s, Earles, Russ Tomlinson, Hans Payne, Helen Royal, and Susan Kreider for assisting with the decorations this year. Thank you to everyone who labors behind the scenes to joyfully serve our congregation.

Christ Church family, I can’t wait to have all of you back at Christ Church after a busy time of holiday travel. We’ve missed you! As you contemplate the start of a new year, and reflect upon ways that you can grow in the days ahead, let me encourage you in three vital areas of your walk with God. 

Lord’s Day Observance — The Lord’s Day is God’s gift to us, His dearly beloved. On the Lord’s Day He gives us Himself through the means of grace. What more could one ask for? Through the preaching of the Word and the administration of the sacraments we receive and rest upon Christ (by faith) for our salvation. Therefore, the Lord’s Day is an entire day set apart (sanctified) for communion with God. The world has sought to usurp this day, to downgrade it and make it all about sports and shopping and errands. But we must resist the cultural push to destroy our communion with God in the church. At Christ Church we have a wonderful and full Lord’s Day schedule for the entire family, beginning with a congregational prayer meeting. Commit in the new year to attending the prayer meeting, Sunday school, morning worship, and evening worship. It will be revolutionary to your growth and maturity in Christ. It will help you to be an encouragement to others in the body of Christ.

Personal Worship  As the new year begins, let us devote ourselves afresh to daily Bible reading and prayer. It’s important that we spend time with God at the outset of our day. It’s how we put on our daily spiritual armor (Eph. 6), and remember our identity in Christ amidst the temptations of this world. There are many Bible reading plans out there, and Ligonier Ministries have made them available online: Bible Reading Plans. Set out a plan for your 2025 Bible reading, and commit to listening to the voice of God in Scripture. Of course, let’s also recommit ourselves to family worship. May our homes be schools of discipleship. 

Evangelism — There are tens of thousands of people in the Charleston area who need Christ. Right now they are walking in spiritual darkness and unbelief. Dear ones, we have the glorious privilege of sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with others — that Christ lived, died, and rose again to rescue us from what our sins deserve. Let’s recommit ourselves in the new year to reaching the lost. Let me challenge us all to reach out to at least one person per month in 2025. Think of it — if we all did this, hundreds of people in our area would hear the gospel and receive invitations to Christ Church. Evangelism doesn’t need to be scary. Indeed, it should bubble over from one’s own joyful walk with God. A few years ago I reflected upon the nature of evangelism and outreach in a TableTalk article: Winning the Souls of Unbelievers. May we all grow in our love and concern for the lost in 2025.

Dearest Christ Church, have a wonderful, safe, and happy new year celebration. I look forward to seeing you next year!

Your Pastor, Servant, and Friend,

Pastor Jon