Pastoral Letter | Summer 2022
Dear Christ Church Family,
As the doors of summer open in the low country we have much to celebrate, and joyfully anticipate, as a congregation. Since January, nine covenant children have been born to families in our beloved church. Yes, you read that correctly. Nine! And in our Lord’s sweet providence, there are several more ladies expecting. Church growth at its finest! The latest birth took place this week. Colton and Hilary Dempsey welcomed their fourth child into the world — Cora Lane. Children are a gift to our congregation, and a profound responsibility. The world seeks to destroy our children, we are called to protect, instruct, and nurture them in the Lord. The psalmist writes, “Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD” (Ps. 127:3a). May we, as a congregation, commit ourselves to encourage and pray for these dear young families, and humbly serve the children of our congregation as the Lord gives opportunity.
I thank God for the spiritual growth, Christ-centered unity, and numerical increase that we are presently experiencing at Christ Church. This Lord’s Day, we will receive several new families and individuals into church membership. Let us receive them with open arms, open hearts, and open homes, as Christ has received us. Our spiritual maturity as a flock (and as individual members of the flock) will only grow on God’s terms this summer. In his divine wisdom He has appointed specific means to sanctify His people. What are those means? The preaching of the Word of God, the right administration and receiving of the sacraments, and sincere prayer. Of course, these means of grace are received on the Lord’s Day in gathered worship. Therefore, let’s not allow ourselves to be loosened from our spiritual moorings this summer. Rather, let us be ever more devoted to God, His church, and His mission.
As I mentioned above, there is much going on this summer at Christ Church. Let us keep these ministries in our earnest prayers. Please pray for the MUSC & 20 Somethings Summer Study at Pastor Michael’s home. Pray for our Vacation Bible School in July. Pray for the Christ Church ladies monthly fellowship. Please pray for our weekly men’s Bible study and fellowship as we study the timely subject of Christian Manhood. Remember to pray for the 49th PCA General Assembly in Birmingham (June 21-24), and for your elders who will be commissioners. Pray for our eight new elders and deacons who will be ordained on Lord’s Day, July 17th (cake reception following!). And pray for me and my family as we take some much needed vacation time in July.
The Lord has blessed and entrusted us with something very special at Christ Church. Therefore, let us be spiritually vigilant, knowing that Satan is on the prowl. He wants to destroy our church, our families, and our witness. Therefore, may we remember our union with Christ, keeping our eyes Him, remembering to walk with “all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Eph. 4:2-3).
Your Pastor, Servant, & Friend,
Pastor Jon
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