
We would love to have you join us for worship this Lord's Day! Below you will find the details of our services and Lord's Day activities. Past worship livestreams and bulletins may be found here. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Congregational Prayer Meeting | 9:30 AM

Please join us for our congregational prayer meeting before our morning service. All ages are welcome! This is a wonderful time to cry out to God in prayer, as we corporately approach the throne of grace in the name of Christ. 

Sunday School | On Break for the Summer

Sunday School classes regularly meet at 9:30 AM. However, these are taking a break for the course of the summer months and will resume after Labor Day.

Lord's Day Morning Worship | 10:30 AM

Please join us for Lord's Day morning worship at 10:30 AM. at our beautiful facility located at 486 Wando Park Blvd, Mount Pleasant. If you are providentially hindered from attending in person, you may access the service livestream on any of our streaming platforms.

New Members Class | 4:15 PM

Our New Members Class is for all those who would like to find out more information about the church and/or join us in membership. This is a great opportunity for visitors to learn more about the distinctives of Christ Church Presbyterian and to understand what it means to be a member of the church. The 8-week class is scheduled periodically throughout the year.

Children's Catechism Class | 4:30 PM

Children (ages 8-12) are welcome to join us for a Children's Catechism Class at Christ Church. The class meets every Lord’s Day afternoon at 4:30 PM. It's a wonderful time of doctrinal instruction in the Westminster Shorter Catechism, and preparation for communing membership.

Lord's Day Evening Worship | 5:30 PM

Please join us for our evening worship service at 486 Wando Park Blvd, Mount Pleasant at 5:30 PM. The evening service is different from our morning service, and we strongly encourage all of our members and regular attenders to book-end the Lord's Day with God-centered worship. If you are providentially hindered from attending in person, you can access the livestream on any of our streaming platforms.

For more on the vital importance of the evening worship service, please read the following article by Pastor Jon D. Payne: Recovering the Lost Treasure of Lord’s Day Evening Worship

Parking at Christ Church

Parking on our immediate property is limited, but we lease from a neighboring business park called Wando Commons (top left lot in the map below). To get from Wando Commons to Christ Church Presbyterian you may either walk down the sidewalk along Wando Park Blvd or use the path (see the blue arrow on the map) that will take you toward the back of the church parking lot. There is also limited parking available at the business next to the church, if needed. Please see the map below for more details about where these parking lots are located in relation to Christ Church.

CCP Parking Diagram